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Modicare Mustard Oil Details On Benefits, Price, DP Rate

Modicare Soul Flavours Kachi Ghani Cold Pressed Mustard Oil

Modicare Mustard Oil Description

There are some ingredients that are irreplaceable in the Indian kitchen and Mustard oil is one of them. Apart from being an essential ingredient in preparing various regional delicacies, it also provides many health benefits.

Modicare Mustard Oil Benefits

It has a perfect blend of natural antioxidants and essential fatty acids, both of which are extremely useful in maintaining a healthy heart. 
Including just 2tbsp of pure, unadulterated, natural cold pressed Soul Flavors Mustard oil in everyday cooking can result in healthy skin, hair and heart.


DP Rate ₹220.00
Product Code FP3056
Net Weight 925ml
Pack Size1 L


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