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Modicare Spirulina Benefits, Side effects, Price And More

Modicare Spirulina Benefits

Well Spirulina is a wholesome green food that contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.It is rich in phycocyanin, carotenoids and chlorophyll which are known to have antioxidant, anti inflammatory and immune boosting health benefits.It helps to fight against many infections and diseases to keep your body healthy.

Well Spirulina is Made from Organic Spirulina Powder in a pristine and pollution free environment thereby assuring highest product quality.




proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.It is rich in phycocyanin, carotenoids and chlorophyll.

Modicare Spirulina Side effects

There is no evidence that Spirulina has side effects.


MRP ₹440.00 / 106g

DP ₹375.00

Product Code : HL2008


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